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Is it really that bad?
You can't accept the fact
That I get a little sad?
That I am a little mad?
So I favor black
And I don't like pink
You use those as reasons
To make my soul sink
So some of us cut
And some of us don't
We can smile
Laugh love and live
We're just not like the rest
Sure we cry
We want to die
But none of you understand
It's not like we had planned
To live life like this
To spend our days
Depressed and amiss
We're not bad people
We dont worship satan
We're not out to kill anyone
We just dont like the world
As much as everyone else
And we dont like ourselves
As much as we could
But we're ok with that
You can call us ugly
You can call us fat
But you can't change who we are
We are emo
What's so wrong with that?

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moja škola
Tokio Hotel-fan club

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Billova Princeza

subota, 14.06.2008.

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kraj ... the end... am Ende sein...

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kraj se bliži sve brže, ne upjevam se okrenut oko sebe, a sve nestaje i tone u zaborav
za koju godinu se nećemo sjećati imena ljudi koji su nam nekad život značile.
događa toliko toga, cijeli jedan velik svijet prolazi kroz misli a sve to u jednoj osobi
toliko stvari koje su iza nas, uspomene.. suze.. prve ljubavi, duge noći nesipavane, toliko toga
mnogo, previše sjećanja
i sve to nestaje.. blijedi iz pamćenja
a ne želim da ode
volim ove ljude, ovo mjesto
ne želim da prestane

Our Love
Loves memory has traced our outline in this place.
But will the spider remember, or the sun?
Did the water capture our faces in permanence?
Does the wind create us anew as it blows?
Did the shadows from the trees record our passage beneath them?
Our secret been revealed.
Yet I have told no other.
I write these words in silence, in mute testimony
To what once was.
But our image remains alive in this place.
It can not be removed.
You, me,
We then,
Were here.
We saw the day and hoped for tomorrow.
We caught a brief glimpse of love's promise.
We were not liars,
But thieves of time.
For now time has now forgotten us,
Yet our memory lingers, and love remembers
This place that was ours.

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